
Takamatsu Sea Lights

Setouchi International Art Festival – Prelude 3

Takamatsu Sea Lights

 Preparations for the Setouchi International Art Festival (July 19–October 31) are booming right along. Artists and corps of volunteers are currently hard at work creating art installations with the support of local citizens. Takamatsu is one of the 8 sites that will be featured and there are some exciting projects already underway right here.

 One of these is "Takamatsu Sea Lights" under the direction of Noboru Tsubaki, head of the Space Design Section at Kyoto University of Art and Design. Tsubaki is a versatile media artist and a creator of large outdoor installations addressing social and political issues. He began making large-scale illuminated sculptures several years ago as a teaching tool when he discovered that an increasing number of students entering fine arts universities couldn’t hammer a nail, frequently cut themselves when they tried to use a box cutter and didn’t even know the most rudimentary elements of history or philosophy. To overcome this handicap, he decided to design workshops that started from “scratch”, providing basic education that would help students develop mind-hand coordination. He particularly needed a workshop that would engage students in a cooperative team effort. The huge illuminated floats called Nebuta displayed in the Aomori Nebuta Festival caught his attention and he went all the way to Aomori to learn how to make them. (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aomori_Nebuta_Matsuri )

 For the "Takamatsu Sea Lights Project," fifteen teams of volunteers have been creating illuminated sculptures 2 to 3.5 meters in height. According to Tsubaki, the simple structures of wire, wood and paper are surprisingly easy to build. The sculptures will be unveiled in the large open plaza behind Sunport on the evening of July 18 in a special illumination ceremony. The ceremony will also include a procession of handheld lanterns made by local citizens. The theme is “Sea Creatures,” so expect to enjoy a glow-in-the-dark underwater fantasy. To get an idea of the scale and creativity involved, check out Yonden Plaza in Sunport across from Takamatsu JR station. An illuminated sculpture called Ice Age is currently on display as well as an illuminated panel of mythical creatures.

Takamatsu Sea Lights

Takamatsu Sea Lights

 The project team is calling for volunteers. If you read this information in June or early July and are interested in participating, please contact 087-813-1001. The organizers only speak Japanese, so get a friend to help you if you can’t speak it. Volunteers will be assigned to one of the sculptures currently under construction. In addition, workshops will be held from mid-June to early July in the Takamatsu shopping arcade at which participants will make their own personal lanterns to use in the procession on July 18. Again, please call the above number for details on place, time, etc.

For more information about Noboru Tsubaki, check out these sites:

Many thanks to the Koebitai volunteer corps for providing detailed information via their newsletter and blog.
(Koebitai blog http://www.koebi.jp/blog/index.html )

My Profile
Cathy Hirano キャシー ヒラノ
I've lived in Japan since 1978. After graduating from a Japanese university with a BA in cultural anthropology in 1983, I worked as a translator in a Japanese consulting engineering firm in Tokyo for several years. My Japanese husband and I moved to Takamatsu in 1987 to raise our two children in a slower-paced environment away from the big city pressures. We've never regretted it. I work as a freelance translator and interpreter and am involved in a lot of community work, including volunteering for Second Hand, a local NGO that supports educational and vocational training initiatives in Cambodia, and for the Takamatsu International Association. I love living in Takamatsu.
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The Last Word
 Midsummer’s Night Dream (2014-08-31 21:40)
 Triennale 2013: A Few More Details (2013-02-01 00:02)
 Countdown to Setouchi Triennale 2013 (2013-01-31 23:20)
 ‘Art-full’ Dining Tokiwa Saryo (2011-12-20 10:00)
 Summing Up (2011-12-15 10:00)
 The Last Word (2011-12-10 10:00)

another great blog cathy! you always write well and give us a lot of useful information. thank you!
Posted by pat at 2011年08月31日 04:22